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Features and functionality

Depending on the priorities of an SDG reporting approach, a platform may need to include features ranging from data dissemination to data collection and management. Countries may also look to develop a reporting approach that allows them to strengthen their information systems at every stage from data collection to publication.

Data input and management

Countries may look to SDG reporting models to go beyond data dissemination, allowing them to strengthen their information systems more generally, from data collection to publication. Data collection and management features can be useful to help meet the needs of data providers and those coordinating SDG reporting. For example, these can include data validation mechanisms to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the data, automated data entry to increase efficiency, and internal dashboards to gain a better picture of data availability and gaps.

Data analysis and visualization

Visualizations and analytical tools can allow users to more easily understand and interpret the data. These can include graphs depicting changes by year, or broken down by key variables such as gender, subnational region, or age. Other features, such as maps, can help identify geographical variations in development, and dashboards can help identify data and resource gaps across the SDGs.

Open-source solutions